Monday, December 17, 2007

Isolate the Saudis internationally ...

The Saudis (government and state structure) are segregationist and intolerant of religion and races just like the Apartheid era White South Africans. While the South African system was based overwhelmingly on the basis of 'color' and strict racial profiling, the Saudi system is more divisive, and more violent and is in the process of being 'exported' as Islamic ideology, worldwide ! All with the direct blessings of the Saudi Royal Family, and indirect ones of the US foreign policy stalwarts ... What we really need to do to is stem the repression of millions of humans in and outside Saudi Arabia under the yoke of Islamofascism and retrograde Islamic inhumanities ... And all this is funded with oil money, a resource belonging to the people living in Arabia, not the private property of the royals ... Unfortunately Arabian oil money is being used to repress the very people to which it belongs, and fund the lavish and vulgarly ostentatious life of the ibn-Saud family.